Joy Let Loose

May 12, 2017

Friday Fun: It’s the Little Things (Write Thanks)

It’s Friday!! Yay! Which means it’s time for Friday Fun, because it’s often the little things in life that bring us  joy. In our first edition, we looked at my joy blend, and last week we looked at how to actually sing our thanks. Let’s stay on a roll with the theme of gratitude, and plan to write thanks this weekend.

Friday Fun - Write Thanks

Friday Fun – Write Thanks

It’s the Little Things (Write Thanks)

Who do you have in your life that you could thank for something?

  • A parent for their constant care?
  • Or a teacher for challenging you to learn?
  • A pastor who introduced you to Jesus?
  • Or a friend who holds you accountable?
  • How about that one person in your life who causes you to belly laugh every time you are together?

Most of us have people in our lives who have had a much more profound impact on us than they realize. Can we really ever thank them enough?


So for today’s  Friday Fun, I’m giving you a little challenge. And it’s an easy one! AND I’m providing you a method to make it happen. 

In a world that is saturated with technology, sound bytes, text speak, and messages in 140 characters or less, when was the last time you wrote a note? Do you remember those things? (Once upon a time, people wrote hand-written notes, in their very own penmanship, to thank someone else.) When was the last time you sat down to write thanks to someone for the way they have invested in you, or brought you joy, or heard what you were really saying, or comforted you, or…(fill in the blank). 

You really have no idea what your words of encouragement & thanks could do. Click To Tweet

Well, now’s your chance for Friday Fun. To help you out, I’ve made two free printables for you, so you can write thanks either as a letter or a note. All you need is some paper or card-stock, an envelope and postage (or better yet, hand-deliver it!)

Download the Notecard   or   Download the Letterhead

Will you take me up on this challenge?

Learning to be thankful, and to express it, is a valuable life skill we can teach to our kiddos too. Why not take the challenge today with your kids? For more awesome life skills, you can also check out Skill Trek!

Let me know how your thankfulness is going in the comments below.


Elizabeth Joy