Joy Let Loose

October 3, 2020

Worship through tears and when there is no stage

We love to lead worship

Our family has always enjoyed our calling to be worship leaders. We are grateful to have the privilege of using skills we’ve worked hard to develop as a vehicle to help others connect with each other and with God through singing, Scripture and prayer, silence, story. The kind of intimate community that forms as hearts open up to each other is beautiful.

We’ve been privileged to get to lead worship in small churches and large, campgrounds and conference centers, on beaches and cruise ships too. And wherever Jesus’ name is lifted up, we’ve encountered His presence.

Worship when there is no stage

But it’s in the quiet rooms with no stages, lights, livestream, or applause where worship leading is sweetest. The deepest wells of joy are discovered in living rooms and hospital rooms, together with people in hardship and dependence. And joy means a lot to us.

From the moment we are born, joy shapes the chemistry, structure and growth of our brain. Joy lays the foundation for how well we will handle relationships, emotions, pain and pleasure throughout our lifetime. Joy creates an identity that is stable and consistent over time. Joy gives us the freedom to share our hearts with God and others. Expressing our joyful identity creates space for others to belong. Joy gives us the freedom to live without masks because, in spite of our weaknesses, we know we are loved. We are not afraid of our vulnerabilities or exposure. Joy gives us the freedom from fear to live from the heart Jesus gave us. We discover increasing delight in becoming the people God knew we could be.

Joy Starts Here: The Transformation Zone

Worship through tears

You won’t get to hear these moments of ours. These are private moments of worship through tears – just for us and the Lord, as we build one another up. But I pray you have your own moments like these. Times where song bubbles up out of sadness as you declare dependence on the Joy-Giver, where the melody that carries the name of Jesus from your heart to His soothes your wounds and binds your hearts with trusted people. I pray sweetness surprises you and you are shaped for hope again.

Because you’re designed to let your difficult life experiences rest on a foundation of joy.

Elizabeth JOY


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