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What’s the reason you get up in the morning? What draws you to put your feet on the floor? Does it fuel you with JOY?
I’ll be honest that many mornings saw my feet hit the floor out of sheer necessity. I didn’t roll out of bed with excitement for what lay ahead of me in the day. In fact I dreaded it, both when working, and when at home with my kids. I didn’t really have a plan or specific goals, or feel at all purposeful. I just knew I had to get up in the morning.
PSA: It shouldn’t take someone to hit their forties before they discover their life can radiate with purpose.
It shouldn’t be long before they unlock what brings them meaning and joy. It did for me though. I floundered.
But now my season of purposelessness and floundering fuels me to help other people discover their joyful purpose earlier. To establish purpose now. To build the life that not only leaves an incredible impact on the world, but also brings genuine joy and satisfaction. It’s never too early or too late for that while we still draw breath.
Several years back, I head this phrase deep in my soul: Joy Let Loose. If you’ve been around these parts, you know that the phrase itself made no sense in my context at the time because I was battling depression and facing difficult times with my kids and my own motivation.
But I now know that phrase was the gift of a seed that managed to plant its way into my undeserving soil, and take root.
Joy Let Loose first became a blog. Because honestly that’s the only thing I could think of to do with it. I was kind of stuck at home at the time, and unable to work, so I figured I’d do something I was decent at, and use this new phrase as a title. On this blog, it became both a lens and a benchmark for how I would serve my readers. I soon discovered many other people were also starving for joy.
As time progressed and I wrote more for this blog, I had opportunity to write in a few other publications as well. No matter where my words landed, I made the effort to keep JOY as my lens. Because people want to be more joyful.
On social media, I curated and created content to help bring people JOY. People were finding it helpful. Then when I launched as a Brand Partner with Young Living, I found my chief audience were women desperate for help with their hormones and emotions. They needed to find sanity in the chaos of everyday life, and were also floundering. Now I have been so blessed to come alongside a couple hundred people to manage those emotions safely and holistically. And I have the honor of mentoring other Brand Partners as they lean into their purpose too.
As my customers were seeing results in their physical, mental, and emotional wellness, I quickly realized my new small business was an extension of my purpose to let JOY loose in people. And my small business and community brings me exceptional joy.
That’s really just a snapshot of a focused process that helped me lift up my head from discouragement, cultivate purpose, and lean into it. There were intentional steps I needed to take to examine myself and my motivations, to learn how my past hurts were impacting me, and how my perspective needed shifting.
I’m so incredibly glad I put in that work to gain clarity and direction.
I became certified as a Life Coach, and I have a growing desire to teach people. I want to help folks who feel joyless and purposeless how to rewrite their stories like I did. How to reframe past experiences, leverage their unique skills and passions, and lean into a more focused life.
I am currently beginning to offer life coaching services to help you find your life purpose.
I’m really excited as the ideas and content come together. And I’m praying over each and every client that the Lord will lead my way. It is rewarding to see how my own story, my teaching skills and ministry and life coaching training have prepared me to lead other people toward lives of impact, joy, and fulfillment.
I am looking for people who want a reason to jump out of bed in the morning. I’m looking for those who feel joyless but want to let joy loose. I’m praying for those who feel lost, but want to find and live out your life purpose.
If that sounds like you, I’d love to add you to my email list so you can stay up to date as the pilot course gets ready to launch. Do you want to establish your life purpose? I would be honored to help you! Simply click here to stay up to date!
Thanks for much for being here! If you know someone facing purposelessness, I’d be so grateful if you shared this with them, or on your social media channels!