Joy Let Loose

August 30, 2020

There is Wonderful Joy Ahead

Sometimes it’s hard to see joy ahead. Right now it seems as though every which way I turn, people are hurting. Whether through illness, oppression, job loss, trauma, betrayal, invisibility, misrepresentation, relationship breakdown, or loss of purpose, people are enduring trials.

The enemy of our souls is hell-bent on stealing, killing, and destroying God’s people. He thrives on division and ruin. He wants you isolated.

You are not alone

You are not alone. This hardship you face is real. It is arduous. It brings pain that must be felt and acknowledged. There must be grief. But you do not have to bear it by yourself.

On the other side of persisting through trials with hope and Christlikeness is JOY.

  • There is wonderful JOY ahead in the form of forgiveness and wholeness.
  • There is wonderful JOY ahead in the reality of grace extended, of not really being destroyed even when you have been struck down.
  • There is wonderful JOY ahead in the arms of Jesus who welcomes the weary one.

So don’t give up

Persist. Hope. Repent. Receive. Worship. Painful, dark moments will fade into the glorious light of Christ if you will pursue Him only.

There is wonderful JOY ahead!

Elizabeth JOY