Joy Let Loose

November 15, 2020

The kindness of wrapping people in prayer

Wrapping people in prayer

Every stitch of this shawl was knit as a prayer was breathed for the one who would one day wear it on his or her lap or shoulders. My mother’s faithfulness over many years to lead a ministry that cares for people in their deepest points of need is yet another reason her life inspires me.

Prayer shawls

Hundreds of prayer shawls, carefully handcrafted, have been infused with prayers and delivered to the lonely, the sick, the grieving, and the dying. It is God’s creativeness given legs in Kingdom life.

Wrapping my mom in prayer

This shawl has stayed by my mom’s side through a hard year. It was a year of diagnosis, waiting, treatment, more waiting, setbacks, disappointing news, rallying, and decline. And like my beautiful mother, it has continually brought a sense of comfort. It is a reminder that God’s people hold each other up at all times in prayer and steady support. It is one way she worshiped in spirit and in truth.

Faithful care

We aren’t designed to journey alone. And my mom’s life of faithful care for others has knit that into my very fabric the way she has patiently and prayerfully knit it with yarn. As her own earthly journey nears its end, I pray I will remain faithful to her legacy as long as I have breath.

How are you wrapping people in prayer?

Elizabeth JOY