It has been ten weeks since I launched Joy Let Loose, and I’m so thankful for reader engagement so far! The journey to the place that joy lives, so it spills out and impacts people around us is one so many of us crave, and it is possible through Jesus Christ. Our God is a joy-giver!
At this ten week point, I re-assessed to make sure I’m on track with my writing to convey what I intend to. I decided to run a word search through Wordle to get a visual representation of what we have been thinking about over the last ten weeks together. I was pleased with the results, and affirmed that I have been remaining in the intended lane for this blog.
The Focus of Joy Let Loose
Thankfully, joy is more than simply the subject of my blog. It is something I am contending for in all areas of my life. I am thankful to have opportunity to write for other venues as well, lending my voice to different aspects of life. At the end of February, one of my articles appeared with Annesley Writers, whose monthly theme was “Beauty”. I found it a challenge to write this article because it sits so close to home, and is something I tend to keep in the shadows.
You see, gains and losses have been a pattern for my whole life as I’ve struggled to be… enough. Malicious, the lie taunts me with forked tongue and tempts me to trust its razor sharp voice as it slices me open again and again. You are fat. You are ugly. You are less than. Tears sting and salt snakes its way down my cheeks and the familiar ache creeps into my jaw.
Head on over to Annesley to read this article, Steel. While you are there, please browse other authors’ writings. Because you will find that joy lives there!
Next week I have the opportunity to teach a three-day intensive course about worship to people currently pursuing ordination. This is another place joy lives for me. After all, I love the discoveries people make when they dig deep in to the theology and philosophy of corporate worship, and begin to see our patterns of worship inside the larger context of God’s Story. We need to be reminded again and again of God’s faithfulness through all of time. William White says, “We are a forgetful people. We need storytellers. We need someone to lay the drama of God’s love before us. We need to be reminded of the uncommon grace of God.:
We need to be reminded of the uncommon grace of God. Share on XPlease pray for me and for the students I teach. Because I want God to be visible, and celebrated for all of His goodness?
Some of you have been faithful readers for the last ten weeks. You’ve taken the Morning Joy Challenge, contributed ideas of Family Traditions, and begun praying the morning prayers, or memorizing Joy Scriptures. Thank you for coming along with me! Others may have stumbled on this post through Pinterest or through a variety of blogging groups I belong to. Regardless how you got here, you are on your own journey, and I’m confident it includes a desire for joy. God has made us to discover His joy, and let it loose! While I’m busy finalizing my teaching curriculum, and then pouring out to ministry students next week, I would love to hear from you!
Please add your voice to the comments below. I will be eager to respond!
Elizabeth Joy
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Rosy Molina
March 11, 2017
What a privilege I have to get to know you and to read about Joy!
I think that throughout my life I have struggled finding joy! I read what you write and it seems easy and I ask myself why can’t I find joy easily?!?!
Sometimes is anxiety, other times is what happens to others, and the list goes on…but I really want to learn to find joy everywhere no matter what I’m going through. Thank you for sharing God’s message!
March 11, 2017
I wish it was easy too! There’s so much that comes at us to steal our joy, but I’m confident we are supposed to know it and experience it, and I’m finding it in the small things of life as I focus on the Lord. I’m glad to know you too, and looking forward to seeing you find joy! 🙂
Wanda Killam
March 15, 2017
My living joy testimony.Life has it’s troubles and conflicts. Six years ago God had me focusing on Faith- we walk by faith ant not by sight.After a few years I started noticing the word Joy and especially how often it appeared in the Bible.I began to choose Joy and make it my focus.It’s been fun.I loved seeing JOYLETLOOSE,just the picture of the baby made me smile.I also smiled because this blog was a warm smile and a big hug from God.No wonder I love this memory verse too.You thrill me Lord,with all You have done for me! I sing for joy because of what You have done.Psalm 92 : 4 NLT God Bless you Elizabeth Joy .Thank you.
March 15, 2017
I’m so encouraged by your joy, Wanda! Praise God for bringing this to you. Thank you for sharing your joy with us. I pray it continues to Let Loose!! 😊
March 16, 2017
Thanks Elizabeth for continuing to demonstrate how joy abounds everywhere. I’m on the hunt for joy this year too as my one word and write on it monthly. I’ll now be checking/doing a Wordle too! Perhaps we can coordinate sharing our joy together this year?! Thanks again!
March 16, 2017
That’s awesome, Jill. Yes, Wordle is fun and helpful. And I would LOVE to collaborate! 🙂
Lauren C. Moye
March 16, 2017
Oh wow! That word image is so cool. What an amazing and fun way to confirm that you are conveying the messages God has given you.
March 16, 2017
Isn’t it fun? You get to do a check up and make art at the same time. 🙂