Joy Let Loose

March 18, 2022

It’s ok to have Jesus and a Therapist

My struggle with mental health after my babies were born stayed silent because I was afraid to ask for help. Honestly, I thought this was just how I was so I needed to live with it.

But the seething postpartum rage was like volatile lava under the surface that had the potential to announce its destruction at any moment. Add in the mind mess of complete inadequacy as a mother and the pressure to “have enough faith in Jesus”, and it was a recipe for disaster.

It’s ok to have Jesus and a Therapist

It’s ok to have Jesus and a therapist

Mama, I’m sporting a sweatshirt today that says “It’s ok to have Jesus and a Therapist.” (Thank you, Grace Story Ministries!)

For a long time I bought the lie that a good Christian wouldn’t need any counsel outside of God Himself. That any uncertainty, emotional turmoil, or mind mess pointed only to an insufficiency of faith, and meant I needed to pray harder.

That assessment and advice are flawed human constructs and are in opposition to God’s design for us to be in community.

God Uses People

Friend, very often, the Lord actually brings healing through another person He has called and equipped with resources to help: a therapist, a doctor, a friend, a mentor, a pastor, a teacher, a wellness advocate, a coach.

🔹 He invites us to vulnerability, where we seek help from someone else.

🔹 And He invites us to open our eyes to see who He’s already placed in our lives.

🔹 In fact, He simultaneously infuses us with the wisdom, experience, and resources someone else needs on their own healing journey too.

He brings life through us even as He brings life to us. Which means I don’t need to have it all together. Or to pretend like I do. It simply rests as an invitation into connection with Him and with others.

My own journey with my emotions, thoughts, and physical health has actually opened me up to community and to purpose in a way I couldn’t have predicted.

What about you?

I wonder what will happen for you as you step into vulnerability, and lay hold of the help that’s around you in the people God has placed in your life?

Check this blog post I wrote a few years back:

God brought it back to my remembrance today. And I celebrate what He is birthing now out of that difficult season.

He really does make all things new.

Elizabeth Joy

Posted in: Wellness