When you choose to show up in another person’s life, you may leave a forever imprint.
You showing up lets joy loose. So where are you showing up today?
This gentleman, Othillo, was an immigrant into Canada from the Czech Republic. He became a close friend of my parents’ back in the early 1970’s.
He and his wife didn’t have children, but they treated my older sister and me like their own.
Othillo had endless jokes, laughter, energy, and the kind of creativity we absolutely thrived upon. He told stories, built us forts, laid hopscotch down on his carpet with painter’s tape, and could incorporate chocolate milk into breakfast like nobody else.
The wheelbarrow game was one of our favorites, and his desire to let joy loose in us imprinted me deeply.
This film was recorded about 43 years ago and Othillo’s joy still echoes in me.
It’s part of what I remember as I answer the call to let joy loose around me.
Tell me in the comments: Where are you showing up today?
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