Joy Let Loose

June 22, 2019

Why I Choose Essential Oils on my Joy Journey

I didn’t initially choose essential oils on my JOY journey. In fact, I almost stumbled into the oily world. Partly because I love things that smell nice, and partly because I was having stress headaches while we were preparing to move. A kind friend gave me some Young Living Peppermint Oil samples, and they did WONDERS for my head! The move happened, the stress alleviated, and my memory of those oils unfortunately went into the vault. I totally forgot I needed to choose essential oils on my JOY journey.

Why I Choose Essential Oils on my Joy Journey

Until we moved again into our permanent home a year later, and I happened to become neighbors with a new friend who shared about Young Living oils with me…oh yeah! I’ve tried those before – they are awesome!!

Right around that same time, I became an affiliate with an lovely little business called The Faithful Merchant, and I immediately was drawn to their line of Essential Oil Jewelry. Hmmmm…..maybe something I should look into. I got an Oil locket and definitely needed to choose essential oils to use with it! So I purchased a sweet smelling oil here and there from my neighbor friend, but I still did not realize the full impact an oily lifestyle could have on my physical and emotional wellness.

Until crisis came.

Joy Let Loose

Let me back up. (Don’t you love hindsight?) I did not realize that all along God had been preparing me for a life call He was unfolding. Through our international move, and my subsequent inability to work; our adventure into homeschooling and navigating the transition trauma on our teens; through my stumbling around for purpose and joy, and then the tumult of family crises, God was constantly whispering “Joy Let Loose.”

This basically made no sense because I didn’t have enough JOY for me, let alone enough to let any loose for other people!

But God has a way of allowing His still small voice to be discerned even amidst the crash of chaos that life sometimes washes up.

Practice Makes Ready

You know, for many years I was a teacher and a worship leader and coach. And I often tell people that practice doesn’t make “perfect.” Because there is always room to be better. BUT practice does make us ready to handle what comes our way.

When we moved over the border and immigration processes kept me from working right away, I launched this blog. At that time, I thought it was a way for me to keep busy and purposeful. The Lord had cracked open for me the meaning of my name, and I figured a blog was a logical way to start to live into it for myself and share it with others. Baby steps I guess. I didn’t know that as I was writing about JOY I was simultaneously practicing and wobbling.

Wellness, Purpose, and Abundance

It all came to a head in the summer of 2018. I felt I was, at best, muddling my way through as a wife, mom, and worship pastor amidst the chaos of life. The Lord was still my lifeline. I was still trying to pursue JOY to let it loose. We’d had losses, but we’d had some wins, and I could see we may start to gain ground again. But I was struggling with low energy and motivation, weight gain, and brain fog, while also trying to keep my fluctuating moods at bay.

Then neighbor brought Young Living around to me again, simply asking if I had any questions. She threw me a life preserver. I decided to choose essential oils and purchase a Starter Kit, knowing it would arrive by the time I returned from an escape cruise we were taking.

Little did I know that Young Living offers wellness, purpose, and abundance, all of which can be experienced starting with that simple little kit. I just had to choose essential oils, and Young Living would set me up with a solid start to an oily lifestyle. I will only recommend Young Living oils because of their top notch Seed to Seal promise.

Why I Choose Essential Oils

  • God has infused wellness into His Creation
  • I believe He desires our good, and gives us tools for it
  • I have a desire to detox my lifestyle and live clean
  • I’m learning the value of plant-based products
  • I prefer a simple ingredient list #plantpower
  • There are oils that turned my metabolism back “on”
  • I have discovered oils that calm anxiousness
  • Oils create a cheerful atmosphere
  • I can turn to oils to help with simple everyday issues
  • My immune system has been boosted
  • I have rediscovered clear thinking, with no mid-day slumps
  • And I love to let other people know about my #oily wins

…just to name a few reasons

It has been less than a year since I began this Young Living journey. And what was an experiment has quickly become a lifestyle for me. My physical and emotional wellness are light years ahead of where they were those few short months ago. I’ve lost 36lbs to date, and I approach each day with greater purpose, optimism, and possibility. I have much more energy and focus, and my immune system is keeping me well. I haven’t felt this energized in years.

Joy Let Loose

There was no way for me to know that when God was calling me to let JOY loose in other people, He would also be calling me to build a wellness business. I had no idea that He would invite me to a #joyandwellness journey as a Young Living distributor. But gaining education and leadership development through YL, and beginning to build a team I can invest in and develop has been such a source of JOY for me. This is one of the most life-giving opportunities I’ve had to date.

Working with Young Living is merely an extension of this blog. I can let JOY loose as I lead worship. I can let JOY loose as I write. And I am letting JOY loose in other people and families by walking with them as they learn to detox their lifestyle, and to turn to plants as a support for their #joyandwellness journey.

How to Start

  • If you have been looking for a way to pursue a wellness lifestyle, I would love to share more with you about how to choose essential oils on your joy journey. Comment below and I’ll be in touch!
  • If you have been looking for a flexible working opportunity that provides leadership development, an education community, and the opportunity to grow a team, I’d love to let you peek into this world with me. It’s the kind of work that you can do from anywhere, and barely feels like “work.” It is simple to start, without any large investment, and such a joy to grow with others. Let me know if you’d like more information about this flexible opportunity!
  • If you are ready to grab that simple Starter Kit like I did, and begin to explore the #oily lifestyle, you can click here and we can start down this road together!

Elizabeth Joy