Joy Let Loose

December 30, 2016

About Elizabeth

I am a Christ follower, wife of 20 years to Scott, mother to three incredible teenagers (Mackenzie, Morgan and Grace), worship leader, writer and songwriter. I’m Canadian by birth, but recently transplanted to Indiana. Surprised by the grace of Jesus 19 years ago, He keeps surprising me regularly – leading me to unexpected places, calling me to things I could never do apart from Him, and renovating me from the inside out.

I love my family like crazy, fresh air (inside and out!), the ocean, bare feet in grass, sun on my skin, very hot coffee in large pottery mugs, and friendships that turn into sisterhood. I love correctly spelled words, igniting the senses with rich and vivid images that awaken the imagination, personifying inanimate objects and ideals, and really long sentences that sound like you are about to run out of breath. I write words because the Living Word has been imprinted on my life and heart, and because I believe that the Lord can miraculously breathe life on the words of His children to reveal His nature and His love. I also believe wholeheartedly that we should shout His grace from the rooftops by telling and re-telling the things He has done. Because God stories let loose are perfect stories.

I created  Joy Let Loose because I want my life to be that. 

And I want you to join me!

Elizabeth Joy


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    Sherry Gorveatte
    August 25, 2017

    Your friendship brings me so much joy!


    PS and it isn’t just because you laugh at all (yes, all) of my jokes.

    • Elizabeth Joy – Worshiper of Jesus, wife and mother, joy-seeker, writer and wellness advocate. I see all of life as infused with calling to glorify the Lord and help people walk in freedom with Him. I'm a worship leader, and I love to help people pursue holistic emotional and physical wellness.

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      August 25, 2017

      Well I happen to find you especially funny. 😜 Love you, my friend! 💖

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